
"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen." Brene Brown

Why the name Resilient Tree Counseling?

While in Graduate school obtaining my Masters degree in mental health counseling, a guest speaker shared a story of when she was facing a particularly challenging stage of life she was told to “be like a tree.” The meaning of this statement struck me in that moment, and continues to hold a lot of imagery for me. A tree is strong enough to weather difficult terrain and poor conditions, they withhold and remain steadfast in the most severe of storms - even having the ability to be uprooted completely and still manage to continue growing. The way in which a tree is able to be so resilient to all it faces it not only because of its deep and solid root system, it is also because of the flexibility and adaptability it possesses to move with the wind and ever changing environments it is placed in. As humans, I too believe we are '“like a tree” in our ability to withstand the storms we face through both our strength and flexibility - thus the name “Resilient Tree Counseling” was developed.