Working with Resilient Tree Counseling

The relationship with your mental health counselor is specific, and special.

Maybe you too wanted to step out of generational patterns, and do not know where to begin. It feels like there is something more you want but it is just out of reach. Or, maybe you are feeling stuck in the space of knowing you want more, and not knowing what that looks like or where to start. Does the idea of going against all you have ever known feel terrifying and exhilarating for the possibilities that may lie ahead? Maybe this is with the idea of going to school, perhaps it is with taking the next step and pursing the dream career that the doubt and the “what ifs” is keeping you from taking the chance of going for it. Maybe it is allowing yourself the opportunity to re-evaluate what you want relationships (both intimate and platonic) in your life to look like. Maybe your experience as a child was less than nurturing and you want to create a different opportunity for your child(ren) now but don’t know where to start. If any of this sounds like something you have experienced or you find yourself resonating with any part of this or it feels one or more of these situations is taking up space in your life, I encourage you to reach out where we can begin the complicated, messy, and rewarding process of exploring the “what if’s” together in a new perspective to help you move from a place of just existing to a place of flourishing.